The basic idea is to calculate between how many movies there are between Kevin Bacon and another actor, the higher the number the further away. It is a very geeky calculation, in fact it so geeky that it is a part of google. Just google [actor name] bacon number and...
So how would you do this yourself?
First off we will need some data.
I used this to create a movie database. Basically you get an Actor table, a Dvd table and a Dvd_Actor table to link them.
Next we will just have to loop through all the records and create nodes(vertices) for each actor and movie in the database.
I used quickgraph and a sinple class to keep the nodes:
public class MovieInformationNode
public int Id { get; set; }
public NodeTypes NodeType { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string PresentationName
if (NodeType == NodeTypes.Actor)
return "Actor: " + Name;
return "Movie: " + Name;
I declared the graph as:
private UndirectedGraph<MovieInformationNode, Edge<MovieInformationNode>> movieGraph = new UndirectedGraph<MovieInformationNode, Edge<MovieInformationNode>>();
For each Actor and Dvd I created a node and inserted it into the graph:
MovieInformationNode node = new MovieInformationNode();
node.NodeType = NodeTypes.Movie; //or actor if it is an actor, enum to keep track of type
node.Id = dvd.Id;
node.Name = dvd.DVD_Title.Trim();
For each link in Dvd_Actor I found the nodes in the graph and added an edge between them:
//find actor
MovieInformationNode actorNode = movieGraph.Vertices.Where(s => s.Id == performance.Id && s.NodeType == NodeTypes.Actor).First();
//find movie
MovieInformationNode movieNode = movieGraph.Vertices.Where(s => s.Id == performance.dvdid && s.NodeType == NodeTypes.Movie).First();
Edge<MovieInformationNode> edge = new Edge<MovieInformationNode>(actorNode, movieNode);
Then you just need to get the shortest path:
Func<Edge<MovieInformationNode>, double> edgeCost = (edge => 1.0D); //no weights
var tryPath = movieGraph.ShortestPathsDijkstra(edgeCost, sourceNode);
IEnumerable<Edge<MovieInformationNode>> path;
if (tryPath(destinationNode, out path))
foreach (var item in path)
To get this working you will need to get quickgraph here.
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